Tuesday, August 12, 2008


who is nikkikomikki?
actually that is MOI...
that's the first code name that i've used when i've joined a clan
way back when i was in 1st year college...
so what?

well...nikkikomikki is not just a plain and ordinary name...
it's composed of 2names!
namely:nikki and mikki...
(i've got the idea because of my cousin mikki)
i just combined the 2names to produce nikkikomikki
it sounds cute...plus it also sounds like japanese...

back to the topic:
i've used nikkikomikki in that particular clan and met this very uhmmm...
what do you call this?
i dunno~
so i've met HIM...
and fell for him..
so we became uhmmmmmmmm...

so i've used nikkikomikki and he used mikkikonikki...

actually he is sooo kind and such a nice earthling...
i don't even know why we ended up like this...
but i am NOT bitter...
i am just reminiscing...
and now i am currently missing him for no reasons!!!
and that's sooo ridiculous!!

weeee my mikkikonikki...
i am craving to see you...

i just wanted to see you once again!
yarr my cloud striffe...is it striffe or strife?

you look so much like him!!!!

i just wanted to see you...

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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+
colors...it's colours!!!