Monday, September 1, 2008


whew...early this morning i just bumped onto an old high school friend
and told me that his band were going well..
they've just jammed with another close high school friend...
i just wished them good luck...

well..i kind'a envy them...
well, 'coz i also want to have a great band...
so okay NOT so great band..
i just want to experience jamming with them :)

so we've formed this all girls group:

earl, grace, aubrey and me...
was formed!!!

BANDEHADO was the our band's name...
it was coined by IBAN...
meaning: Large plate and it can also mean.. Band which always loses...

originally grace and i really wanted to enter the BOB at our school,
but we still have to find other bandmates.

we asked earl if she wanted to play the bass guitar and she immediately said YES.
aubrey insisted to be our vocalist..
and iban,
well actually we all thought that he'll be our lead guitarist
but he was already tied/committed to another band which was TYMPETIX.
honestly we don't want his talent to get into waste that's why we let him go...
but he also promised that he'll help us if ever we still want to enter the competition...

honestly i had already lose hope and surrender'd,
but as soon i had seen my bandmate's eagerness and persistence...
it somewhat gave me courage to continue...
no matter what will happen...
it'll be no retreat no surrender

we only practiced once before entering the screening...
lack of time beybeh!!!
that's why we weren't able to join the competition...
in other words...
we were defeated!!!

i kind'a felt really bad for that...
'coz i also want to play infront of a large crowd
i pity my bandmates...
if only we were good...

after that experience...we do learn a lot...
and promised to practice during our free time to enhance our capacity
in order for us to at least put up a nice fight with those other pesky bands...
no matter what...
im so proud of these girls determination...
i sooo LURVE y'all!!!

right now were planning to have practices...
we also wanted to learn new songs..
to have pondos...
i also wanted to have our own genre...

wait for us world!!!
we will be a star?
i mean we will strive hard for our dreams:)

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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+'s colours!!!