Monday, December 29, 2008

random-nes galore part2

i've just finished my summary...
i got to do my critical analysis then...
but i don't know how...
which makes me go crazy and think of several things...

am i really an earthling?
what if...i'm an ALIEN?

i've always believed that i am a female yellow alien...
why yellow?
nothing in particular...
i can be a pink alien...
whatcha say?

i've been thinking that...
what if i'm not an earthling at all...
ow did i already said that?

and if i am not an earthling...
then, what kind of life form am i?

if ever i'll be given a chance to transform into something...
i think i'll be...
an alien!

aliens are cute right?
they're cute for the sense that they're
very different from y'all earthlings out there...
they're unique~right?
kind'a creepy and slimmy?
my stupid imagination gone wild...

i wanted to express myself ever since...
the real me...
but somehow, i got tired of it
and found out that i'm just plain and simple...
nothing to be proud about...
i'm just yarr typical girl~
maybe you'll hate or love.

i'm just plain and simple
like the other girls out there...
they sleep, eat, study, and dream like i do

when i was still young...
i did not think of anything but myself,
but as i grew old...
i've became more conscious with my surroundings...
with the so called norms
the do's and the don'ts
my behavior has been modified...
meaning to say... i've learned!

my points of view and how i look at life...
they've changed as well.

if i am about to introduce myself....

nikki is basically a fun loving girl...
PLAIN AND SIMPLE~ don't forget that one.
loves pink so much
loves strawberry sundaes and strawberry cream frap
nikki has a heart for animals~
obsessed with bunnies
a self proclaimed alien
one lazy ass
nikki is sooo random~
a crybaby!
a brat...

when it comes to love...
i can assure you that i don't know much about love
for when i was still kind'a young...
i focused more on stupid things such as:
arts, music, friends, movies, foods, latest, fashion, etc.
you see?
i never ever thought of this LOVE thinggy...

i thought that this LOVE thinggy are for adults ONLY
that i must keep my butt out of that matter...
i've never loved someone...except my family and friends.

it's hard for me to trust someone who says they love me...
'coz honestly i don't know if they really mean it or what.

but you know what?

my world became topsyturvey all because of this so called love.
i dunno if i'm in love for i really dunno what love means...
but it feels right...

do aliens have feelings?
do they fall in love?

i do believe in the possibility that aliens do exists~
for there are no alien issues if they're just some
stupid made ups...
"kung walang apoy...walang usok"
make sense huh?

and to sum this stupid blog entry
hell yeah~
i'm NOT making any sense at all
i'm super stupid talaga!!!

well all i can say is that...
it's not see is to believe...
why not try... to feel is to believe?
or to taste is to believe?

i'm still confused if i'm a human of any sort or what
i'm kind'a confused as well~
if i'm weird or i just plain...
if i'm senseless or full of sense?

i'm still me..
even ifi'm an earthling or what...
but still i wanted to do something...

i wanted to eat!!!
owwww hungry nikki!!!!

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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+'s colours!!!