Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HELLcome nikkikomikki

hai hai minna san!!!!
I am blogging once again...and it's really different from my first blogspot...
'coz my previous blogspot focused mainly on my mushy-side XD but now i had over-come that part of me...
and with that i've decided to make another blogspot...
'coz for me blogging is a kind of SELF EXPRESSION.

With this as my first blog entry i'll be reminiscing my old blogspot...
and all my posts there!
it's for the LULZ

i dunno but in some way...i miss my old blogspot and me...being mushy!
well...that's just NOT sooooo ME!!!
im always free spirited...but when it comes to my burnout i'm always...
in that sad kind of AURA...

but as i've said...
i've overcome that stage of my stupid life...
and now i feel so much ALIVE...

i'm currently thinking if i just have to delete/cancel
my old blosgspot...
but if i delete that accnt...
how would he know how much i *TOOT* him..

i'm being mushy once again...
stupid me...
*toot* means LOVE
LOVE means being mushy

NIKKIKOMIKKI is moving on...
is moving forward and backward...
is making her step and hopp'n to the brighter side of her life...
it's a PROCESS.
i know...

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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+'s colours!!!