Saturday, April 18, 2009


When was the last time u were really confused?
♥ kanina

Do u have nice eyes?
♥ they say i do have:D

Any plans for tomorrow?
♥ sumamba :]

First thing u did this morning?
♥ bumangon?!!

If ur friends warn you about someone, do you listen?
♥ yup.. i just LISTEN :]

When you say u don't care, do u mean it?
♥ nope

Do you believe in love at first sight?
♥ yup :]

Do u like scary movies?
♥ big time!!!

Roller coasters?
♥ hell yeah!

What does your friends call you?
♥ nikki

when is your birthday?
♥ july 13 1989

What are your favorite foods?
♥ ice cream ice cream ice cream

Are u a hard drinker?
♥ drunk hard

Are u in college now?
♥ yup

Do u work now?
♥ nah

What song/s do u listen to wen ur lonely?
♥ burnout

Favorite Movie.
♥ my sassy girl

provide some of ur choice number.
♥ 27

Do u have other Friendster account?
♥ yup

Are u a party girl/boy?
♥ a party girl

is there someone mad at yu? If yes. Think why.
♥ i dunno

Name some of ur friends.
♥daxzters, buraot, T.G.I.S

Do u experience ur bf/gf told you that you’re the only one? But d fact is he/she lied.

Are you in a relati!onship now?
♥ yup

what color were u wearing during your last kiss?
♥ green

Would u rather go to a party or go out of town?
♥ a party out of town

Who's hoodie did u wear last?
♥ none

Do you want to get married?!
♥ yup

Who was the last person that made u cry?
♥ iban

Are u ticklish?
♥ uber

Will you kiss someone within the next week or two?
♥ yup

Falling in love really is a beautiful thing , huh?
♥ uber

How are u feeling at this very moment?
♥ excited

Are u w/ someone who worries too much?
♥ not so

Do u think someone is thinking about u right now?
♥ of course

What does your hair look like today ?
♥ sabooooooooooog

Is der anybody u wish u could be spending time with u right now?
♥ yup

What was last thing you drank ?
♥ minute maid pulpy orange

Do u judge people u don't know?
♥ yup

Do u know anyone who drinks a lot?
♥ oo daxzters eh~

Is there anyone u won't ever forget?
♥ yup

Would u rather go back a week or go forward a week?
♥ back a week

Have a best friend?
♥ yup

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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+'s colours!!!