Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Las Poecias de Jose Rizal

[a late blog entry for our speech choir]

"Las Poecias de jose Rizal"
(Mga Tula ni Jose Rizal)


we we're asked to do a speech choir as a project for our RIZAl
so we're grouped into three groups
and we call our group as the SILVER SNAKES
(got the idea from the Legend of the Hidden Temple)

i believe we're only given 3-days of practice period...
fo me it was hard because im really BAD in memorization,
but thatnks to my groupmates...
memorization became easy because sabay-sabay kaming nag re-recite :]
another problem is that...
duing our practice...not all of the members are present...
but still we managed to put it all together...
the actions, formations, dictions, pronounciations blah-blah-blah
thanks to je_lo

so...pretty much...i can say we're all prepared na!!!
sir. _______ here we come!!!
*aura glows*

but we weren't prepared for his judgement!!!
sad to say BUT the first result was a disaster...
eventhough we felt very ready/prepared for the event
so obviously we didn't expected for a bad the outcome...
it was horrible!!!
i honestly thought our performance was the BEST...
but it turned out to be the worst!!!

i don't want to question the judgement of our prof...
i just want to live a peaceful college life~JOKES
that's why we kind'a asked for the criteria and blah-blah-blah

then...our prof gave us a second chance...
(all of the groups)
and luckily on our second try we ROCK'D!!!
idk... but i think we're superb!!!
'coz i know all of the members gave their best!!!
and thanks to our leader JE_Lo
(only je_lo touches our skin...LOL)
go silver snakes:]

i cannot say anything else...
we deserve our grades...
'coz we gave our best to earn it...


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+me myself and i+

+me myself and i+'s colours!!!